Featuring the works of Thomas Z Shepard, twelve-time Grammy Award winner, album producer of Classical and Broadway projects.
Consulting Opportunities

Producer, Composer, National Speaker and More…
Thomas Z Shepard is a twelve-time Grammy Award winner, recording executive and album producer of Classical and Broadway projects.
He is a producer of live concerts, composer of songs, shows, film scores, operas, children’s material, and an arranger, pianist, and national speaker.
Thomas Z Shepard is also a forensic musicologist on matters involving music copyright. He offers career consultation and guidance to aspiring music professionals.
It begins with a Creative Idea…
A creative idea is only the first step in actualizing one’s goals. The chain from idea to fulfillment is only as good as its weakest link. This weakest link is most often the lack of precise knowledge or lack of appropriate business contacts to move a creative idea to fulfillment. If you have the ‘goods,’ we will help get you where you need to be.”
TZS MasterWorks Consulting and Services:
TZS MasterWorks Speaker Series
• “Behind the Scenes of Broadway”
• “Secrets of the Recording Studio: In the Groove & Behind the Scores”
• “The Anatomy of the Classics”
• “Jewish Broadway: What’s Not to Like?”
• “The History of Recording: From Tin Foil to Sound File”
• Custom Audience Engagements
• Student Education, Community Theater
TZS MasterWorks Classes
• Discover the ‘Grammy’ Within You
• From Creation to the Deal
• Composing for Classical and Broadway
• Personal Coaching Programs